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Creating Hierarchy Column and moving associated Filter to TableGroup.Subgroup

Jana Kneissl

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Hello TIBCO Community,


I am working on an IronPython script to create a new hierarchy column and then move the filter associated with the hierarchy to a TableGroup.Subgroup.


In my script I am doing the following:



filterPanel = Document.ActivePageReference.FilterPanel


# get the correct tableGroup

for tableGroup in filterPanel.TableGroups:

if tableGroup.Name == "Result Table Group":

resultTableGroup = tableGroup


# get the correct dataTable

for table in Document.Data.Tables:

if table.Name == "Result Table":

resultDataTable = table


# create new subgroup

hierarchyfilterGroup = resultTableGroup.AddNewSubGroup("Result hierarchy subgroup")


filterPanel.InteractiveSearchPattern = ""

for filterHandle in filterPanel.FiltersMatchingSearchPattern:

tableGroupFilterHandle = resultTableGroup.GetFilter(filterHandle.FilterReference.Name)


if tableGroupFilterHandle != None:

tableGroupFilterHandle.Visible = False # hide filter in table group


# create a new hiearchy column

hierarchyColName = tableGroupFitlerHandle.FilterReference.Name + " - process hierarchy"

hierarchyExpressions = List[str]()

hierarchyExpressions.Add("[" + tableGroupFitlerHandle.FilterReference.Name + "]")


hierarchy = HierarchyDefinition(HierarchyNestingMode.Nested, hierarchyExpressions)

resultDataTable.Columns.AddHierarchyColumn(hierarchyColName, hierarchy)


# try to get the hierarchy associated filter

hieararchyFilterHandle = tableGroup.GetFilter(hierarchyColName)

if hiearchyFilterHandle != None:





However,tableGroup.GetFilter(hierarchyColName) always returns 'None' for the hiearchy columns. As a result of running the script, I get the hierarchy filters correctly and I also see the subgroup correctly, but the hierarchy filters are not sorted into the subgroup.

Here are some other things I have tried:

1. Searching the whole FilterPanel for the hiearachy filter

FilterPanel.InteractiveSearchPattern = hierarchyColName

for filterHandle in filterPanel.FiltersMatchingSearchPattern:

...--> does not find any MatchingFilters


2. Refreshing the dataTable before trying to find the filter



--> has no effect on the resultCould you please help me moving the hierarchy filter to the newly created subgroup


Thank you in advance!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Answering my own question in case others need it later:


# get the correct tableGroup

for tableGroup in filterPanel.TableGroups:

if tableGroup.Name == "Result Table Group":

resultTableGroup = tableGroup


# get the correct dataTable

for table in Document.Data.Tables:

if table.Name == "Result Table":

resultDataTable = table


# create new subgroup

hierarchyfilterGroup = resultTableGroup.AddNewSubGroup("Result hierarchy subgroup")


filterPanel.InteractiveSearchPattern = ""

for filterHandle in filterPanel.FiltersMatchingSearchPattern:

tableGroupFilterHandle = resultTableGroup.GetFilter(filterHandle.FilterReference.Name)


if tableGroupFilterHandle != None:

tableGroupFilterHandle.Visible = False # hide filter in table group


# create a new hiearchy column

hierarchyColName = tableGroupFitlerHandle.FilterReference.Name + " - process hierarchy"

hierarchyExpressions = List[str]()

hierarchyExpressions.Add("[" + tableGroupFitlerHandle.FilterReference.Name + "]")


hierarchy = HierarchyDefinition(HierarchyNestingMode.Nested, hierarchyExpressions)

resultDataTable.Columns.AddHierarchyColumn(hierarchyColName, hierarchy)


colExists, hierarchyCol = resultDataTable.Columns.TryGetValue(hierarchyColName)



# move the filter to the subgroup

hierarchyFilterHandle = resultTableGroup.GetFilter(hierarchyColName)

hierarchyFilterHandle.Visible = True


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