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R function runs fine in R Studio but throws error in Spotfire

Robert Lambert 2

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I built and checked out a function in Rstudio

When i try to run it in Spotfire, as I use insert calculated column and insert the function I added (in Expression Functions), as I fill it in it throws this error (red exlamation point) and I cannot click ok to execute it...


TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R returned and error: 'Error in marshallSpotfireOutputParameters(outputs, envir = marshallEn:object 'output' not found.





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You cannot run a R script in a calculated column.

To run a R/TERR script in Spotfire you need to create a data function.

The error looks like your script does not have an output object mapped to the parameters.

Check this link on how to create a data function:https://docs.tibco.com/pub/enterprise-runtime-for-R/latest/doc/html/TIB_terr_Documentation/GUID-483E3F38-77E8-4403-BDC2-EA1CD1FE514A.html

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Awesome thanks


But my function can have variable # args (x,y,...)  Throws following error message as I build the registered function input parameters list...


... does not comply with TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R name standard.


How do I get around that


For now I tried to replace the ... with a fixed number of arguments.  The problem now is I register the function, then insert from library and hook up all the inputs from my table... its not clear how the output table name gets established... but I basically set all the input parameters to column property on the input handler, and selected the appropriate column.  on the output tab its not clear what to do... I want to name the output column ZOUT.  not sure how to do that or what item to pick in the output handler list... In any case, I cannot get the OK at bottom to be selectable no matter what I do... its greyed out.  I took a much simpler function I created and followed the same steps and that works fine, so not sure what I am missing with this more complicated R script.


How can I insert a screenshot into this thread





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In the Output tab under edit parameters when you set the output as new table you have the option to add table name. By default Spotfire takes the table name as output parameter name that you defined in your data function script.


You can define the column name in the script to get the output column to the value you want. I have added a screenshot of an example.




You can add a screenshot by clicking the media browser(should be on the right side) option in the chat and upload the image.





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