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unique count on filtered data table results

Kirk Anderson 7

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Is there an easy way that i may be missing on 'how to create a calculated column which would be the unique count on a specific column based on any selected filter/many filters'. --that i could then include in spotfire table as a newly added column

When inserting a calculated column it seems regardless of filter selection the unique count for any specific column is applied only to underlying source and ignores filters. Im looking for a hint here, although new -feel ive spent way too much time looking for something that has been relatively intuitive elsewhere. And again could be my ignorance i am tired.

I think im looking to have spotfire in slq terms change group bys dynamically based on filters while summing distinct values..

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Calculated column works on the underlying data table and does not work on top of filters. This is as designed.



As a workaround, you can use a calculated value in Text Area which responds to the filters. See the below documentation for more information on Calculated values.


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