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Is it possible to click on a data point in a Scatter Plot to view the content of a file

Paul Lung

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The column that I use as a marker in a Scatter Plot contains the location of a text file. Is it possible to click on a dot in a scatter plot resulting in viewing the content of the text file

I have tried changing the column property to hyperlink and that doesn't work because my files are in a network location and really not accessable using https://.....

The values of the column looks like -> files://....//

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you

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When you click a value in a scatter plot, it marks the entire row(s) associated where that column value is present. You can create a Link for a column in a table visualization (Properties >> Column >> Select the column and under 'Renderer' select Link >> Paste the required URL in the box). Refer to the following documentation from proper synchronization.


Have a table visualizationadditional to your scatter plot. So, as a workaround, you can select a value from the Scatter plot, and whichever record is marked in the table visualization, click on that particular column value. Does this help

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