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Python data functions in webplayer

Luke George

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Hi there,

I'm wondering if anybody has been able to get python data functions working in webplayer I am aware that native python in Spotfire 10.7 and 10.8 is not yet supported by the web player, but I've heard that it is technically possible to get the community python plugin to work in the web player (even if it's not necessarily recommended).

Anyone done this who can give step by step instructions

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Not sure of any such instructions.

As such the Python Data Function (PyDf) custom extension from the TIBCO community page can only run on Analyst and not on the Web Player (which you already seem to be aware of).

From the community wiki article itself it is clearly mentioned:

With the addition of the Python Data Function Extension, users can now employ Python language in the creation and execution of data functions in Spotfire Data Analyst.

No mention of Web Player.


There is an existing idea for the same which you may want to vote up and comment:


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