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How to use data source query hints in Information Designer

Mark Herrmann

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Hi there,

the information designer can produce queries with very high cost unless manually optimized (see example below). I'm not a big fan of edited SQL since it becomes intransparent to users what's happening and editing or maintaining it is error prone. Hence I was wondering if it is possible to make use of hints in Oracle queries. I could not find anything about it (only for other products). Does anyone know how to get optimized queries out of information designer, e.g. by using hints (but any trick other than creating a view for every use case is fine for me as well)




Example Information Designer Query (Cost: 14,329,590):

WHERE ((Y1."ID" = 'A24.1' AND Y2."NAME" = 'XYZ') OR (Y1."ID" = 'A24.10' AND Y2."NAME" = 'XYZ') OR (Y1."ID" = 'A24.11' AND Y2."NAME" = 'XYZ'))


Example manual query (Cost: 2,398):

WHERE ((Y1."ID" IN ('A24.1', 'A24.10', 'A24.11') AND (Y2."NAME" = 'XYZ'))

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