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Select Rows After Filter

Pei Hsuan Shen

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### Filter


([CASE_DATE]=$map("'${MonthSelect}'", " OR [CASE_DATE]=")) and

([uSER_AREA_NAME]=$map("'${AreaSelect}'", " OR [uSER_AREA_NAME]=")) and

([uSER_GROUP_NAME]=$map("'${AreaGroup}'", " OR [uSER_GROUP_NAME]="))) AND

### My selection

CASE WHEN (Sum(case when [uSER_TYPE]="M" then 1 end) = 9) THEN [uSER_TYPE]="M"

WHEN (Sum(case when [uSER_TYPE]="A" then 1 end) = 9) THEN [uSER_TYPE]="A"

WHEN (Sum(case when [uSER_TYPE]="C" then 1 end) = 9) THEN [uSER_TYPE]="C"

WHEN (Sum(case when [uSER_TYPE]="S" then 1 end) = 9) THEN [uSER_TYPE]="S"

WHEN (Sum(case when [uSER_TYPE]="Z" then 1 end) = 9) THEN [uSER_TYPE]="Z"


I want to select specificrows fitting my selection after filter. But I find that the expression above always sum the original (not after filter). It means that even if I select somethingfrom a list box, theSum(case when [uSER_TYPE]="A" then 1 end) always sum [uSER_TYPE]="A" from the original data (which is not filtered) not from a visual table on a dashboard. So, please tell me what I can to do to revise it. Thank you.

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Limit data using expression does not work on top of filtered data. All these limiting functions (Limit data using Marking, Filtering, and Expression) are independent and work on complete underlying data table. So if you apply some filters and use some expression to limit the data in a visualization, the data which is intersected by these two functions will get displayed.

Please refer to the below documentation for more information:


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