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Using Spotfire "Subsets" to let user select comparison of data

Abhi Agarwal

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I have a dataset like the following:

Company -> Departments -> Has Projects -> have priority. Projects have costs associated by time period that can be seen over a time period that is selectable. I have a bar chart plotted by priority [A, B, C, D, E]. I want to be able to give the user the ability to just view the bar chart when a department is selected and compare to the entire company over the selected time period.I can filter data to the department and then it shows the cost per priority. I want to be able to compare to the entire company.

What custom expression can I write to achieve a subset that shows all company over the delected time period only All data shows the entire available time period. I want to be able to compare relative time periods.

Also, is it possible to turn subsets on or off from outside the visualization using property controls




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For "over selected time period" as well you might be having some document property or filter to select time period. So say data limit is applied for year =2019 , then all data as well shows records for 2019 only not from other time periods.

So as far as i can tell having "All data" enabled does suffice your requirement i.e. comparison with entire company data over a particular year/month etc.

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You can create another filtering scheme and create range filter from other filtering scheme. Then select both filtering schemes for bar chart visualization. So time period filter will be applied to other filtering scheme and rest of the filters would be from first filtering scheme.


Selecting both filtering schemes to limit data in visualization will help to get the filtered results in current filtering scheme. Once this is ready, go to subsets > create a subset on other filtering scheme. Now the subset will contain whole company data over selected period. I have mentioned this approach as you are using filter for user selection. Approach previously mentioned would have been good if you had document properties.



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