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How to give a different color if consecutive 6 points are increasing or decreasing in scatter plot

Manjeet Singh 2

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Hi All,

I have one requirement in scatter plot chart, I am ploting data point againt time period, I have UCL and LCL limit in my scatter plot if any data point in going above UCL or below LCL then i need to give different color, i am able to do this and it is working fine, now in same scatter plot ifconsecutive 6 data points are increasing or decreasingthen need to flag with different color, could anyone suggest me how to do this

I have to set 2 rules for highlight my data point withdifferent color

1. If any data point is going above UCL or below LCL then need to hight light with different color

2 If consecutive 6 data points are increasing or decreasingthen after 6th data point i need to highlight with different color.

I am attaching one snapshot here, in this marked data point should hightlight in different color.

Hope i am clear with my requirement here, if not please ask me more details.

It is very criticle requirement please, try to give me some solution

Thanks in advance

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