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Northing and Easting in Maps

kirpal singh manral

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You can use easting and northings to plot points on a map. You can also add any custom map services you like (WMS and TMS). I am presuming these points are for the British National Grid coordinate system

To use the points:


Add a marker layer to your map chart

Go into the properties of that new markerlayer - in the Data tab change the coordinate system to be the correct one (such as British National Grid)

Then go into the positioning tab, scroll down and select the option to use coordinate columns, then set the column for your X and Y i.e. easting and northing. Note it may apply an aggregation by default to your columns such as sum or average, so you can click on the arrow beside the column name and set this to none if you don't want these to be aggregated.


With that your points should appear on the map. If they don't, its likely a coordinate system mismatch somewhere.Note that you can also set the coordinate system of the parent map overall. You do this from the map chart properties->appearance tab. You can mix and macth different coordinate columns. For instance use web mercator as your base map coordinate system and for WMS/TMS services, then plot points using British national grid on this.

Here is a good video on how to add your custom web map services or tile map services:


Hope this helps


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