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Stacked bar charts by values in each category

May Tam

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You can use a workaround to achieve this requirement:

Suppose A,B,C are [Regions], next level in hierarchy is [state] and color by has [Category], then you can insert a rank expression between REGION NEST STATE


Count() OVER (Intersect([state],All([Category]),[Region])) - This will get you total values for each bar. As we are using Over function in X-Axis expression, do not forget to select "Current Filtering only" in X-axis > Settings, to have ranking update based on change in filters


DenseRank(..,"desc",[Region]) - This will rank total values of each bar in descending order for each Region


Repeat( " ",..) - This will repeat blanks as per rank provided. As you know, by default barsare always in alphabetical order so rank 1 will have one blank, rank2 will have two blanks etc. and it will automatically be in order as seen in below screenshot

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