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Clicking on buttons in Text Area (which have some HTML,CSS and Java script coded) in webplayer throws HTTP status 404-file not found error

Geetika Saini 2

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Hello Team,

I am using a collapsible filter in my dxp which have some filters and reset marking buttons, they are working fine in Spotfire analyst but when I open the dxp in web player I am getting an error

"HTTP Status 404 - File not found

The requested URL was not found on this server."


what could be the reason for this error

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Hello EVeryone,


I looked into Server log for this and here is the error in server log-


"INFO 2020-03-19T21:54:00,953+0000 [*RoutingSessionListener*, #162, #-] wp.events.RoutingSessionListener: HTTP session is about to be destroyed. Internal session-id: 5e4e6c737084ba29c011c5492d756cb9"


Is there anyone who understands this issue and can help me figure out the resolution for the same

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The issue is caused because of the anchor tags in the HTML. the base URL has changed in Spotfire 7.13 and later and this causes the issue.

Check if the resolution suggested in the following Knowledge Base article helps,


If this does not help thenyou might have to change to Click events probably instead of Href's and see if it helps.

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The workaround works and does not produce the error. However, the styled action buttons in our dxp don't work when this code from the link is implemented. (In the image attached, the "Reset Markings and Filters", the "Reload" and the "Home" buttons dont do their function.) What can we do to make the buttons functional on web client without issues

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