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Spotfire: Sort a dropdown list to the max date by default

Xav Dou

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I created a dropdown list in the text area with a datecolumn.

This list allows me to filter a table with the same datecolumn.When i choose a date in the dropdown list, it shows the value with the same date in the table.

I would like the max date to be shown by default on the table to the users.

I can do it directly on the table (either by using limit date expression with datetimenow or by using show/hide items but then the user cannot choose another date by clicking on the dropdown list...)

I think the solution is toapply the max date by default on the dropdown list.

Any idea how to do that

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You can use javascript or data function to set dropdown list value to Max date value on load of analysis which will ultimately set Max date value filter so table visualization will show Max date values.

Please check the below KB:



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Thank you for the help @Khushboo. I tried the javascript solution. I get today's date automatically: 11/03/2020


But when i want to apply it to the table where is my date column ("HistoryDatetime") by using the limit data expression, i get the error "the property "11/03/2020" does not exist." (see attachment)


Is it because in the javascript, it is only for string data type "


"step 8. In the "New Property" dialog's "Data type" drop-down list, ensure that the "String" data type has been selected."


Any idea how to solve that

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