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Get Max / Min of Filtered Rows in Column

Sean Conroy

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I know how to get the filtered rows of a column in IronPython:


myTable = Document.Data.Tables["Table"]

dataFilteringSelection = Document.Data.Filterings["Filter"]

filteringScheme = Document.FilteringSchemes[dataFilteringSelection]

filterCollection = filteringScheme[myTable]

filteredRows = filterCollection.FilteredRows


myCursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(myTable.Columns["myColumn"])

# Iterate over the filtered rows

for row in Reference.GetRows(filteredRows,myCursor):

val = float(myCursor.CurrentValue)

if val > maxVal:

maxVal = val


And I know how to get the min and max of a column using IronPython:

min = myTable.Columns['myColumn'].RowValues.GetMinValue().Value

max = myTable.Columns['myColumn'].RowValues.GetMaxValue().ValueBut is there a way to get thefilteredmin and max values from the column, without having to iterate through the column, comparing each value against the current min / max This is very slow for large tables, and I'm trying to adjust visualization properties, but this will bother the user.

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Use a python script to get the min and max values from thefilter :



#get list of filtered rows

dt = Document.ActiveDataTableReference

#This line implements the current filtering

rows = Document.ActiveFilteringSelectionReference.GetSelection(dt).AsIndexSet()


#get min and max values from the set

min = dt.Columns["column1"].RowValues.GetFormattedValue(rows.First)

max = dt.Columns["column1"].RowValues.GetFormattedValue(rows.Last)





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myTable = Document.Data.Tables["myTable"]


rows = Document.Data.Filterings["My Filter"].GetSelection(myTable).AsIndexSet()


min = myTable.Columns['myColumn'].RowValues.GetMinNumericValue(rows)

max = myTable.Columns['myColumn'].RowValues.GetMaxNumericValue(rows)This is what worked for me, based on the answer above with a few adjustments.

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