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How do you programatically change limit data expression in JS Viz

Chris Brawn

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Hi All,

I have the code below, which takes a string from a text area and adds it to the limit data expression of a visualisation. However when I try and make the change to a custom visualisation, I get the following error: -

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Data'


However when I add it to a Spotfire visualisation, it works fine with no issues. What do I need tochange in the code to add to the equivalent limit data by expression box (shown in attachment) in a js viz


from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

for vis in Document.ActivePageReference.Visuals:

if vis.Title == 'Chart wizard area':

ta= vis.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent

print ta


for vis1 in Application.Document.ActivePageReference.Visuals:

if vis1.Title == 'chart viz': #if statement for testing

print 'hello'

visual = vis.As[Visualization]()

visual.Data.WhereClauseExpression = ta

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JSViz uses it's own internal API which you can access through IronPython as described in Chapter 16 of the User Guide.

Firstly you will need to include the references to the JSViz API:

import clr

clr.AddReference ( "SpotfirePS.Framework.JSVisualization, Version=,

Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4d233badaf236513" )


# Import the JS Visualization classes


from SpotfirePS.Framework.JSVisualization import *

from SpotfirePS.Framework.JSVisualization.Core import *

Then you will need to obtain a reference to the visual similar to what you have in your code above:

jsviz = vis.As[JSVisualizationModel]()Now, given that JSViz can have multiple Data Settings objects, the following code will assume the first one, you may need additional logic:

lstDataSettings = jsviz.DataSettings


# Check for empty list


if lstDataSettings.Count < 1:

print "No current Data Setting"



# Assume the first Data Settings


ds = lstDataSettings[ 0 ]


# Set the current Limit By Expression statement


ds.FilterExpression = '[ChartMap] = "BarClustered" and [ChartQuestionSeq] = 1'

You can find more examples of JSViz Scripting in the example that ships with the JSViz download. Look in the "For Spotfire Analyst" folder for Scripting.dxp.

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