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Optimizing Information Links with Joins

Daniel Herman

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Hello all, long time lurker, first time asking a question. Like the title states, are there recommended practices to use when getting data via an informaiton link The reason I ask is after playing around with whichorder of columns to be loaded first relative to others in different tables appear to have an affect on load times. For example if you have two tables and a single join, if you go back and forth from table to table when adding columns to the link it will pull the data slower. If you block the data, for example add all of your needed columns from table 1 then all of your columns from table 2, it seems to run faster.

Am I completely wrong about this, and if not what are some other tips to laoding data faster

I am asking because I am pulling DrillingInfo data (usually around a million rows) and it takes hours. The data is stored on a "Local" server and other data sets from this server will load tens of millions of rows in minutes.


Thanks in advance for the help!

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