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Filtering two tables without creating a relationship -- is it possible

K Rojas

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I have two data tables with matching columns. The manner in which the data is formatted prohibits creating a relationship, as this enforces an erroneous parity between the tables.

Ideally, I would be able to use both data tables in a vizualization and be able to filter both of them without a fixed relationship. I've looked a property controls (where one would control both tables), but I haven'e found anything specifcally helpful.

All ideas welcome, as I am at the end of my research rope.


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You can use a python script if the column names match. I used the following script to filter from the multi-list select box to filter multiple tables {the tables must have the same column name}


from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

import Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters as filters

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import FilterTypeIdentifiers

from System import String


def ChangeFilterstoListBox():


for aPage in Document.Pages:

aFilterPanel = aPage.FilterPanel

for aTableGroup in aFilterPanel.TableGroups:

for aFilterHandle in aTableGroup.FilterHandles:

if aFilterHandle.FilterReference.Name == myColName:

aFilterHandle.FilterReference.TypeId = FilterTypeIdentifiers.ListBoxFilter


def DocPropertyList():

# Set Values As List from Document Property

mySelection = list(Document.Properties[DocPropMultiList])

return mySelection


def GetCurrentDict():

d = dict()

for x in Document.Data.Tables:

#Check Column Name vs List of Columns from Table

if myColName in [str(item) for item in x.Columns] :

# get filter

filter = Document.FilteringSchemes[0][x][x.Columns[myColName]]

# get current filter type

filterType = filter.TypeId

# change to checkbox to easily access unique value

filter.TypeId = FilterTypeIdentifiers.CheckBoxFilter

# Capture List of Items from CheckBoxFilter

mycountry_list = [value for value in filter.As[filters.CheckBoxFilter]().Values]

# return to old filter type

filter.TypeId = filterType

#Append to Dict

for item in mycountry_list:

d.setdefault(x.Name, []).append(item)

return d


def GetMyUpdateDict():

d = GetCurrentDict()

mySelection =DocPropertyList()

for i in d:

#Combine With DocPoperty List

combined = list(set(mySelection) & set([x for x in d]))

#Update Dictonary With Matching Values Only


return d


def RunFilters():

MyDict = GetMyUpdateDict()

myPanel = Document.ActivePageReference.FilterPanel

for item in myPanel.TableGroups:


if item.GetFilter(myColName):

myString = ",".join(MyDict[item.Name] )

myFilter = item.GetFilter(myColName)

lbFilter = myFilter.FilterReference.As[filters.ListBoxFilter]()


strVals = myString

if strVals!=String.Empty:

print(myString, item.Name )



print(myString, item.Name )



def ClearFilters():

myPanel = Document.ActivePageReference.FilterPanel

for item in myPanel.TableGroups:

if item.GetFilter(myColName):

myFilter = item.GetFilter(myColName)

lbFilter = myFilter.FilterReference.As[filters.ListBoxFilter]()



def Clear_or_Filter():


if Document.Properties[DocPropMultiList] != None:






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