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Want to create a button that will automatically send data table visualization to Data File

Greg Mccrary

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I have a case where I want to create a button, that once the user filters down to their desired population, they can then send those results to a Data File that can be used in another Spotfire app.

I see that you can manually do this with File > Export > Data to File....

Is there a way to do this automatically at the push of a button

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You can export a datatable to the Library in SDBF format using a Python Code or Even R-Script;

Python -

from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Library import LibraryManager, LibraryItemType, LibraryItem, LibraryItemRetrievalOption

import time

ps = Application.GetService[ProgressService]()

def execute():


# subtask 1 - simulates an indeterminate step

ps.CurrentProgress.ExecuteSubtask("Loading Table To Library");

time.sleep(1) # do some work


time.sleep(1) # do some work


except: # user canceled


def UploadTable():

dataTable = Document.Data.Tables[myTable]

folder = '/Folder/Folder/Folder/Folder/'

fileName = myFileName

fullPath = str(folder+fileName)

lm = Application.GetService(LibraryManager)

(foundFile, fileItem) = lm.TryGetItem(fullPath, LibraryItemType.SbdfDataFile, LibraryItemRetrievalOption.IncludeProperties)

(foundFolder, folderItem) = lm.TryGetItem(folder, LibraryItemType.Folder, LibraryItemRetrievalOption.IncludeProperties)

if foundFile:

dataTable.ExportDataToLibrary(fileItem, fileName)

print "File found and overwritten"

elif foundFolder:

dataTable.ExportDataToLibrary(folderItem, fileName)

print "File not found but folder exists, writing the SDBF file there"


print "File or Path not found. Please review settings"

#Use the ps.ExecuteWithProgress if you'd like to view the processing dialog

#ps.ExecuteWithProgress("Progress title", "Progress description", execute)


R Script -


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