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Well Header and Completion Data Information Links

Graeme Gordon 2

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If I have a table of data with well header information that I have reduced for a particular region using a filter in the Information Link - how do I then only set up an Information Link for associatedwell completion data for only this set of wells

I dont want to load all data into Spotfire and filter from there - I want to do it before I load the data in - for speed of use in Spotfire.

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I only have WELLID in the well header data table which is common in the production data table. The filter I want to use is a column only in the well header - say 'BasinName'.


How do I the filter the production data table when I have an information link for that seperate table. I want to only load wells in a certain 'BasinName' if I only have WELLID in both the well header and in the production data tables. The 'BasinName' column only exists in the well header and not the production data table. 

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