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how should i achieve this need some suggestions and would like to know the feasibilty.

gurusai sankar

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Hi All,

Please find below spotfire requirement. kindly let me know your help to achive this and please suggest whether it is possible or not.


Business Requirement :

There are Proposal , Project , CAR data. My client wants see proposal , project , CAR and their costs in the charts (combination bar chart) for each quarter of the selected year or multiple years.

Combination chart: (quarter wise Qumulative cost in Line graph , sum of cost per qurter in bar chart, by deafault it shows qumulative cost, it should chane chage dynaimcally as per the user selection.

need to show in tha chart - Actual Cost, Budget Cost , Projected Cost, Remaining Cost , Proposed Cost, CAR Cost. (Note: Car cost is coming from 2 nd view i.e CAR view and rest all cost coming from 1st view i.e Proposal and Project view)

and . There should be 3 sections (cross table) called proposal , car , projects per year . if we select any proposal no in the 1st section (proposal list) it should show the all cars which are related to selected proposal in CAR section. and if we select any CAR no in the 2nd section - it should show all the projects which are related to the selected cars in the project section. Note : One proposal will have multiple cars and each car will have multiple projects.

. we have to dive the cost as per the below

from Proposal & project view-

Actual Cost, Budget Cost , Projected Cost, Remaining Cost , Proposed Cost exists in COST_CATEGORY column in View 1.

based on this cost category we have to divide the cost;

Ex: budget cost: case when [COST_CATEGORY]="Budget Cost" then [COST] ELSE 0.0 END. we have to fix rest all costs also in the same way (Actual, Projected , Proposed, Remaining)

There should be one more bar chart to show capital , operating and total (capital+ operating) cost per each quarter of selected year dynamically user chnagung capital , opearating and total cost (Note : this is CAR cost and capital and opearating exists in CAR_EXPENSE_TYPE column in 2nd View (CAR View)

we have two views to use in spotfire to achieve this.

View 1. (Proposal & Project ), this data is in month wise like Jan_2019. (date format)

View 2 (CAR )- this data is in year wise (year is the sting format)

the realation of the two views - PROP_REQUEST_ID (1st view ) vs LINKED_PROP_REQ_ID (2nd View )

PROJ_REQ_ID (1st view ) vs LINKED_PROJ_REQ_ID (2nd View )

we started working by combing these two views and we are brainstroming to achive this since long time. when i am cobining this- i am getting multiple duplicate records with the same information (as each proposal will have multiple cars and each car will have multiple projects). eventhogh showing multple lines - we should make it as a single line by grouping cost. is it possible


1. is it fasible to fullfull all the requirements in spotfire

2. Is it feasible to add everything in a single page as per the requirement (by combing both the views and showing everything as per the requirement)

3. .these two views are enogh to develop should we modity/configure the views accrding to the requirement.

4. if not possible anything - is thers any alternative solution to achive this

i have attched the query which generates sql in my information link which i am using by combing these 2 views. also attched dxp file.

kindly check this and provide inputs.

Thanks in Advance,

Guru sankar

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