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Sending a notification to a group of bulk email addresses from identified in a column

Luke Joseph

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I have created a dashboard that allows users to monitor health surveillance testing for employees.

There are 4 different segments being reported on and each segment is triggered by a due date which isusually 60 days before the testing is due - the status then automatically changes to "requires assessment".

All of the employees in the list (data table) that have "requires assessment" next to their name will then need to be notified that their health testing is due and to inform them on how to get it tested.I have already created an expression for this in a separate column called "EmailBody" which has all of the above necessary information to be sent out.

I then added another column to the data table from a different information link which is called"personnel email address".

Theproblem I have now is trying to get the script to send notifications to the email addresses related to the people that have "requires assessment" next to their name.

the script is below:


from System import Array

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import IndexSet

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataValueCursor

import datetime

import clr


from System.Runtime.InteropServices import Marshal


columnName = 'EmailBody'


for myTable in Document.Data.Tables:

if myTable.Name == "ODRInformation Dashboard":

rowCount = myTable.RowCount

rowsToInclude = IndexSet (rowCount,True)


#B create a cursor to the columnName column we wish to get values from

cursor1 = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(myTable.Columns[columnName])

#C loop through all rows, retrieve value for specific column, and add value into dictionary


count = 0

for row in myTable.GetRows(rowsToInclude,cursor1):

mail= Marshal.GetActiveObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(0)

strEmailText =""

value1 = cursor1.CurrentValue

if value1 != "NO_EMAIL":

strEmailText = value1


#create e-mail

#for email in Document.Properties["strEmailTo"]:

mail.Recipients.Add = 'Calculated Employee Email Address'

mail.Subject = "NO REPLY - Your Health Surveilance Testing is Due Within 60 Days "

mail.Body = strEmailText




The problem are for me is "mail.Recipients.Add = ' which I have highlighted in bold.

I'm not sure what to input here as I have created the "personnel email address" column but it can't read from just a column.


Any help is appreciated.


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  • 3 weeks later...

You can add personalemail column in the same table matching on employee name from both tables. Then as you have added cursor for column name, similarly add another cursor for emailaddress

cursor2 = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(myTable.Columns[EmailAddress])

Then you can include the above cursor in getrows method:

for row in myTable.GetRows(rowsToInclude,cursor1,cursor2)

Then in recepient address, you can use the currentvalue of cursor 2


mail.Recipients.Add = recepadd

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