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Architecture with dedicated Spotfire Statistics Services

Gabriele Marrocco 3

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I wanted to ask you if it was possible to configure an architecture on Spotfire Server where the Services statistics is installed on a dedicated server, with no node present.

My request is how do I set the statistics service to be called by SpotfireServer where do I enter the server pointing or URI


[M1] TSS ---- TSS [M2]

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TSSS TSSS ---->on the same server


[M1] TSS ---- TSS [M2]

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[M5] TSSS TSSS [M6] ---->dedicated server

Thank you in advance for your availability

Best Regards


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The link to your TSSS installation is handled in the Spotfire Analyst Client.

Click on:

Tools -> Administration Manager -> Preferences -> Select a Group -> Expand TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services -> StatisticsServices

and add the TSSS URL for the appropriate data engine.

Once this has been set you will need to close out the Spotfire Analyst client and log in again, which will set the preference in your Spotfire Server.

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