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Spotfire server migrating from On premise to Cloud platform and need to implement data virtualization which activity need to perform first

Anusha V

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We are planning to migrate our Spotfire Server on premise to cloud platform and need to implementdata virtualization also in our network

Here my doubt is which activitywe need to do perform first whether migrationto cloud platfrom and later implementation of data virtualization or vice versa

can you please share the precautions we need to take while doing migration and installation document for Data virtualization

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Hello Anusha,For information on Tibco Data Virtualization Installation, please refer to the documentation 'TIBCOData Virtualization Installation and Upgrade Guide'. This is for TDV version 8.0.

Here is the link to access the documentation:

https://docs.tibco.com/pub/tdv/8.0.0/doc/pdf/TIB_tdv_8.0.0_InstallationGuide.pdfid=0You can also find that in your TDV_Install_Directory/Docs folder.Best Regards,Chandrika

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