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Need Help !! Getting x axis value from bar chart marking.

Sony -

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Hi All,

I have bar chart showing month wise values ( X axis - Month, Y axis - values). If i will select March bar from the bar chart, on another table data from Jan - March will show.

So basically whatever month I will select from the bar chart, another table will always show the data from Jan - selected Month.

My approach : Created on bar chart & one table. One marking on the bar chart , but the table data is not limited by the marking.

On data limiting of the table i can write a condition WHERE [MONTH_NUM]

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a posibility I see is via adding a small data function which gets as input (in) the MONTH_NUM column (limited to the same marking used in the bar chart). Output (out) of the data function will be a document property let's call it maxSelectedMonth. the data function script would be


out <- max(in)


automatically triggered this df will write the max from the selected months into maxSelectedMonth.


your limit data expression will look like


[MONTH_NUM] <= ${maxSelectedMonth}

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