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Property Value Cached between sessions: web player mantains property value for a while

Chris Larsen 3

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Hi, we have 2 nodes and a balancer on web player and we are facing a pretty strange situation. The fact is that, despite the uncheck on Remember Personalized Views for each user web player seems to maintain property values between session for a while, a sort of cache. All the other parameters return to their default values after closing analysis except one.The behavior we just saw is :



user1saves dxp on web player ( property value cleared)

user2 open analysis on web player andexecutes a script which set up property value

user2 close analysis without saving it

user1 donwloads dxp and notice that property is set up on value chosen by user2

userx open/downloads dxp after a while (couple of hours or less) and property value has been cleared


obiouvsly this mess up the entire analysis and this must be fixed. Any ideas

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