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I need to either sort a stacked bar chart by another column or apply a document color scheme to a combination chart

David Jones 5

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I can use rules in the color by section to correctly color a stacked bar chart. I need to sort the X-Axis by another column, but cannot for the life of my figure it out. Whenever I try using the Sort Order within the column properties menu, I select the column I want apply a sort order from, but nothing happens. It seems to just resort back whenever I click apply.

I got the sort order to work correctly by converting the chart into a combination chart. I then took the column I want to sort by and multiplied it by 0.00000001 so that it effectively does not show in my chart. I was then able to sort by it in the Appearance > sort x-axis by: section. So now my sorting is correct, but the color scheme is incorrect because the rules I set in place for the stacked bar chart are no longer applied. Can I please get some help; either solution is fine... I just need to get something working here.



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