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Reuse of Javascript visualization in Spotfire

Balakumar Krishnasamy

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Hi All,

I was trying to use the javascript visualizaion(D3funnel) in my spotfire file.

I am getting the below error.

Read callback 'data' failed.

Type : ReferenceError

Message :D3Funnel is not defined

Stacktrace : ReferenceError : D3Funnel is not defined at renderCore


The same error is not happening if I create my data connection and configuring the funnel visualization my data in the file from which I am importing the scripts.

I have attached the file which I am reusing for my data.

Has anyone experiences this issue .Why this is happening If so how to solve this


The same error happens if I try to use the javascript form the below link,



Thanks in advance,




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  • 2 months later...

The file you attached looks like the funnel chart demo from TIBCO Community. It opens fine on my machine. Perhaps you meant to attach a different file.

If the attached file is the one you meant and it is not working, please respond with the version of Spotfire and the version of JSViz you are using.

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  • 6 months later...

If anyone still ends up in this post for some reason: This error is raised when a function is not defined, most probably because the library is not defined.

1) Make sure that the library is linked or embeded to the visual in Settings->Library

2) Also make sure that the relevant js library is set as Used Contentin Settings->Contents

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