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javascript code does not work which relates to spotfire control IDs

Tom Tang 2

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hi there,

I am using spotfiree 7.0XXXX,

I have had issue after I save my DXP in library and access it thru web, the issue is in my text area, I use javascript to decorate some input fields(say adjusting the height),

the JS works as expected on my local desktop but it won't work if accessing thru web to the library one.

I surfed on internet and got solutions like: to wrap your spotfire control item in DIV and using DIV ID,

i have tried that, but it does not work to spotfire control items thought the div "area" seems to be affected.(div height is changed)

kindly advice if it is related to version or do I have other workrounds, thanks!

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hi Khushboosorry for the late response, thanks for your suggestion,below are my test code with its javascript code1)html <div id=myTestButton>

<SpotfireControl id="a52c661aecdb452495c408e6bb9e209d" /></div>2)js

$("#myTestButton").button().css({ 'width': '200px',

                               'height': '30px',

                               'background':'red' });

 3)issueif I use ID:myTestButton  which is the DIV ID,  then the DIV area is marked red while the button inside DIV is still not red,(I dont know how to upload a screenshot for this) 
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thanks Shandilya


it works now,


another issue regarding this is that if I use <div> to wrap properties it will become one line,


meaning if I have 3 properties in a line, after changing, it will become 3 lines. not sure how do I change it back into 1 line.

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