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SPC for Spotfire over Categorical Grouping

Jared DeFrain

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Does the Statistica node developed for this SPC dashboarding use case support group operations I see how markings and filterings can be used to define the Statistica data function inputs on the fly, but I am wondering if there is the capability to pre-calculate control limits and charts over a larger number of categories up front and then display these with trellised visualizations.
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Dear Jared.

Purpose of the template isto give usersas much flexible templateas possible including such specialties likebrushing or annotations. And exactly the functionalities like brushing and annotations are not available for by group SPC analysis (if you try SPC charts functionality from interactive menu in Statistica, some possibilities are not available to choose for by group variant). This is the reason why by group variant isnot implemented at the moment.

Creating of the same template with by group functionality is of course possible but it would involve some degree of coding (mainly due to creation and merginggroup files to one large file).

However,with the current template you can very easily incorporate filter as additional button for subset choice for analysis. Or you can introduce marking for running data function only on some concrete category. It that case, charts are recomputed each time for category of your choice.

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