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Calculated column with conditional unique concatenate

Sheryl Enos

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Is it possible to insert a calculated column that will list the closest neighbors based on a value

For example. I have a list of samples with a value for an assay. Can I create a calculated column that will uniquely concatenate the other samples with the same value I have an example attached with the desired output format.

Thank you!

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The below expression will get you the results at the bottom.


when [Assay]=1 then Concatenate([sample])

when [Assay]=2 then Concatenate([sample])

when [Assay]=3 then Concatenate([sample])

when [Assay]=4 then Concatenate([sample])

when [Assay]=5 then Concatenate([sample])



Sample1, Sample6

Sample2, Sample3, Sample5, Sample10

Sample2, Sample3, Sample5, Sample10

Sample4, Sample7

Sample2, Sample3, Sample5, Sample10

Sample1, Sample6

Sample4, Sample7



Sample2, Sample3, Sample5, Sample10

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