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Replacing File DataSource of multiple data tables if the table source is excel

Ankush Verma 2

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I am trying to update the python script which works very well for one data dable.


I want to check the source of the data table and want to replace the table source only if it is excel and would leave all other data tables.



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Change the data source of multiple input tables

Presteps -

*Rename the data tables whose data source need to be changed to [input] data table

Eg if table name is student rename it to [input] Student and leave others as it is.

*Folder - Document property for giving the pathof the files to be replaced

for eg if file is placed in the desktop then update the value to- //C:/Users/Desktop/ in the folder document

property, I have added the input field next to the replace data source button.


import clr


from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataOperations import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataFlowBuilder


# Search for the tables which need to be replaced and assign it to Tblnm (for eg only excel)

for table in Document.Data.Tables:




#get the dat table data source operation


#build the data flow

for table in Document.Data.Tables:

dataSource= Document.Data.CreateFileDataSource(Document.Properties["Folder"]+Tblnm+".xlsx");

dataFlow = DataFlowBuilder(dataSource, Application.ImportContext).Build();

#replace the data source

if op.CanReplaceDataFlow():


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