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Can we Pivot/UnPivot the data tables coming from external resource,typically MySQL or PostgreSQL database

Geetika Saini

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Hi Geetika,

'Transform data' is not available for external data. The way external data works is that Spotfire will write queries and executes these against the data source when you interact with the application. Only then the query is executed in the database and you get the results from the query back into Spotfire. This means that no data is loaded into Spotfire's memory to begin with. It is for that reason that some functionality is not working opposed to when you load data in memory. Some functionality that doesn't work with external data are the recommendation engine, some spotfire functions in the calculated columns (the only ones supported are the ones supported by the driver of the database you're connected to) and transformations.

The good thing about external data is that your data is loaded fast! Some of the tradeoffs are the things I mentioned above. A way in between is to use 'On demand' data tables.

So for data transformation to work you would need toload the data in memory (so choose the 'Import' option) when you load the data. After you've done that, data transformation will work.

Best regards,


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