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How to get the filters of a page in TIBCO Spotfire Using IronPython

Jeremy Chevallet

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I have a page with a lot of filters and in stead of having the user reset them manually, I want to make a button to reset them.

UsingIronPython in TIBCO Spotfire, I want to get the filters that are present inside the current page in order to reset them (and only the filters in thatpage).


I can already reset a certain filter, but I need to specify either the filtering scheme or the table manually.

I was able to find a connection between the current page and it's filtering scheme, but I haven't been able to isolate the specific filters used (or rows filtered) by the page.

To get the filtering scheme used by the current page: Document.ActivePageReference.FilterPanel.FilteringSchemeReference.

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Have you tried using the out of the box Action control to Reset All Filters If you are using different filtering schemes on the available pages in the report then using this option will reset the filters only on the active page.

Attached is a screenshot for reference.


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