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How to pass value from ironpython to javascript in text area

Nithin Jacob

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In my dashboard I want to know whether the user is using the spotfire analyst version or the web version.

I am able to get it using this code in ironpython

applicationType =Application.GetType().ToString()

Now what I need is, to pass this value to javascript so that I can hide some features from web users

Thanks in advance

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Hi there,


You can do this if you have a TextArea on your page. So to do this follow these steps:



Create a document property to hold the result ofApplication.GetType().ToString() . In this example I call my property: "myNewProperty"

Assign this in your ironpython script e.g. Document.Properties["myNewProperty"] =Application.GetType().ToString()

Add a calculated value into a TextArea and set the value (by right clicking on it) to just be the document property value:"${myNewProperty}"

Then wrap theSpotfire html tag in an HTML tag such as a div, and give it a unique ID:

You can then reference the value inside this tag using Javascript using:$('#my-application-type').text().trim()

Once you have it working, add a style of style="display: none" to your div tag so it is hidden from your users. I find it is useful to show the value initially just to check it is working correctly.


There is a guide on this here also:



Hope this makes sense, and gives you what you need.




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