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Dr. Spotfire, I can't install Web Player and AutomationServices on Node Manager(Spotfire Server 7.11.2)

saminda roshan

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I installed node manager. But when I try to install Web Player and Automation Services it gives me an error.

I turned off all firewall blocks and windows defender.

Node manager service runs in Administrator user account.

I attached my log file in nm.

I would be really gratefulifyou can give me a solution.





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Hello Natasha,

Did you deploy the default sdn packages or are there any custom packages deployed too Can you try clearing the deployment area and deploying the default sdn packages that are "Spotfire.Dxp.sdn" and"Spotfire.Dxp.NodeManager.sdn" Validate, save the area and try creating the Web Player service again.


Another thing to be checked is the disk space on your Node Manager server. That could also be a problem.

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