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Unable to run xml job file thru Window task scheduler

Shailendra Tripathi

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I am trying to create a scheduler to automate a task, but its not working. I would like to share my step by step workings to help you understand the issue.

Step1: Created a job file. wherein I am opening analysis file from one location and saving at different path in Spotfire library as embbeded.

Step2: Saved the .Xml Job file at local drive.

Step3: Placed the following two files in Spotfire folder.





Step4: Created a task scheduler to run Xml file. In action window, I have written the script as below:


Program Script: "C:Program Files (x86)TIBCOSpotfire7.11.0Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe"

Add Argument (Optional): Server linkC:PlanningSPOTFIRE FilesSpotfire XML FilesDaily Inv Report.xml


But when I run the job, nothing happens. It does not run the Xml file. Can you please help me understand, where I am doing wrong the Task Scheduler shows (0*1 ) error in last run result.

I have also followed the below Prerequisites

You must belong to the Automation Services Users group.

The Automation Services job that you want to schedule must be saved in the Spotfire library.

You must have Browse + Access permission for the library folder that contains the Automation Services job.

Thanks for your help !!



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To start with you can

Enable Debug logging for the ClientJobSender by making the below change in the "Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe.config"


Now run the task scheduler to trigger the Automation Job again and look into Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe.log for any possible error

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This is the error msg getting in log file.


Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.565;7948;Program;Starting application (Ver 35.0.12710.8254) using command line 'SPOTFIRE SERVER Link C:PlanningSPOTFIRE FilesSpotfire XML FilesDaily Inv Report.xml'
Error;19-05-31 22:48:55.580;7948;Console;Unknown parameter:FilesSpotfire
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.596;7948;Console;
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.596;7948;Console;Usage:
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.612;7948;Console;Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender <serverUrl> <jobFilePath|jobLibraryPath|jobLibraryId> [-useLibraryPath|-useLibraryId] [-async]
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.612;7948;Console;
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.612;7948;Console;Example:
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.627;7948;Console;Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender "http://SpotfireServer:8080/" "C:Pathjobfile.xml"
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.627;7948;Console;
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.627;7948;Console;Executing a job stored in the library using the library path:
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.627;7948;Console;Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender "http://SpotfireServer:8080/" "/Jobs/My Job" -useLibraryPath
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.627;7948;Console;
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.643;7948;Console;Executing a job stored in the library using the library id:
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.643;7948;Console;Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender "http://SpotfireServer:8080/" "038e181b-d05d-4f3f-9ef7-aef52c96f04b" -useLibraryId
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.643;7948;Console;
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.643;7948;Console;Asynchronous example, do not wait for the result of the job execution, exits immediately with code 0:
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.658;7948;Console;Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender "http://SpotfireServer:8080/" "C:Pathjobfile.xml" -async
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.658;7948;Console;
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.658;7948;Console;To encrypt the password in the configuration file run the following command:
Info;19-05-31 22:48:55.658;7948;Console;Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender encryptPassword [-encryptWithUserScope]
Debug;19-05-31 22:48:55.658;7948;Program;Application exit CommandLineParameterError.
Debug;19-05-31 22:48:55.674;7948;;
Debug;19-05-31 22:48:55.674;7948;;





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