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Not able to make my spotfire server 7.7. as https

Krishna Prasad 2

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Hi Ninad,

Thanks for your reply.

My environment is spotfire server 7.7 running on Windows 2012 R2.

Scenario:1: I have commented the 8080 port connection section and opened up the 443 to enable https:

While hiiting the server after starting the spotfire services. there is no error is getting logged in catalina.

But Server log is showing the below entries. Attched is the server log file.

Scenario:2 I have enabled both 8080 and 443 connector. After restart of the services, the 8080 is working fine, but 443 is not working.

Attached both the server logs as no errors got logged in catalina.

Last message in the catalina log is15-May-2019 19:43:22.381 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in 24285 ms

This is the 443 connector configuration made in server.xml:


Thanks and Regards,


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Hey Krishna, Unfortunately, I was not able to locate anything obvious in logs. (Might be "debug" or "TRACE" logging reveal more information) Following is the example of HTTPS enabled server.xml KB(About self-signed certificate might help you with this exercise): https://support.tibco.com/s/article/How-to-create-a-self-signed-Server-c... "

-->" thank you Ninad

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