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How to add a subset of rows from one table to another table with a script

Tim McCune 3

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I want to use the AddRows(DataSource, AddRowsSettings) operation on a DataTable but I want to be able to specify which rows from the DataSource should be added using an index range. Is this possible

This is what I currently have:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import DataTableDataSource

inputTableDS = DataTableDataSource(Document.Data.Tables["Table1")

outputTable = Document.Data.Tables["Table2"]

addRowsSettings = AddRowsSettings(outputTable, inputTableDS, "Source", "Table2", "Table1")

outputTable.AddRows(inputTableDS, addRowsSettings)

I'm just not sure how to specify that I only want to add the 1st 10 rows from "Table1", for example.

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You can get the rowSelection by applying desired limit but then there is no way to add rows from that rowselection to another table directly, as for adding new rows you will need DataSelection object.

I used this workaround:

1) Create a dummy marking say TestMarking

2) Then execute below script which will set thatsubset of rows as marked in TestMarking and then pass TestMarking DataSelection to DataTableDataSource method


from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import *

#Source Data Table
TableB="World Bank Data"

dt2=sourceDataTable.Select("[Country Code] = 'ABW'") #Suppose need only data for country code ABW in new table
marking=Document.Data.Markings["TestMarking"].SetSelection(dt2, sourceDataTable)

#Append rows to new data table


Edited by Jose Leviaguirre
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You may want to use a "Filter Rows" transformation on the data source that you are adding.

More info about the transformation can be found here:https://docs.tibco.com/pub/sfire-analyst/10.1.0/doc/html/en-US/TIB_sfire-analyst_UsersGuide/data/data_details_on_filter_rows.htm

and how to use it programmatically here:https://docs.tibco.com/pub/doc_remote/sfire-analyst/10.3.0/doc/api/html/T_Spotfire_Dxp_Data_Transformations_FilterRowsTransformation.htm

The expression to use as filter could then be something like: rowid()

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