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Migrating from Spotfire 5 to Spotfire 10 and we are facing a problem

Amr Shady

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Dear Support team,


We are migrating from spotfire 5 to spotfire 10 and we are facing a problem. We have a web application that works as a container for web player component, when the user login to our web app the same username and password is being sent to spotfire so the WP loads the file assigned to this user.


The problem we are facing now is we do not know the action required to force the WP to load a specific file, or what library in Spotfire our web application should call to pass the authorization layer.



The old scenario in spotfire 5 ("Working Fine")


We are embedding the web player inside our web application,

we open spotfire player from our webapp using username and password,

we implement custom authenticator to authenticate users (SSO)

custom authenticator Get username and create session id for this user

then user can get required file and render it throw web player.



in spotfire 10 , we do not have a custom authentication that works with the same way (SSO) (as per the documentation), now we need the below,

user will access our webapp, add username and password to login,


same username and password are defined on spotfire,

once the authentication done successfully on the app level , then the web player should display the analysis file to the users, putting into consideration that we are using personalized links that filter the data as per the username used in the login.



Appreciating your support in order to solve the case.

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If you have the same users already present in the Spotfire Database and if it is possible for you to send the username as a Header/Cookie/Attribute then you can simiply enable external authentication on Spotfire Server and provide the source type and name, without the need to write any code. This will allow the users logged in your custom web application to seamlessly login with Spotfire and view the analysis.

Below are some documentational references,




Below are some other references to Custom Authentication,

I would suggest you to go through the below article(s) on Custom Authentication in TIBCO Spotfire 7.5 and Later Versions:


TIBCO Spotfire Server API for Custom Authentication:


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