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Error accessing custom SSL enabled data source

Pradnya Ladde

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Hi All,

I am trying to configure Presto data source(through jdbc driver) in Spotfire. The data source is SSL enabled and connection url is : jdbc:presto://hostname:port/databasenameSSL=true. I could add datasource XML template through the config tool and got XML parsed OK message.

However, after adding the datasource through information designer i cannot access the datasource and get following error message:



Error message: Could not get contents of 'Presto' from the server.

The data source reported a failure.


InformationModelException at Spotfire.Dxp.Data:

Error retrieving metadata: Error executing query (HRESULT: 80131500)


Stack Trace:

at Spotfire.Dxp.Data.InformationModel.InternalInformationModelManager.ListDataSourceChildren(Guid dataSourceId, String dataSourceName)

at Spotfire.Dxp.Forms.Data.InformationDesigner.Cache.CachedDataSource.d__0.MoveNext()

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)

at Spotfire.Dxp.Forms.Data.InformationDesigner.Cache.CachedItem.EnsureChildrenLoaded()

at Spotfire.Dxp.Forms.Data.InformationDesigner.VirtualMultiSelectTreeView.TreeItem.Expand()



InformationModelServiceException at Spotfire.Dxp.Services:

Error retrieving metadata: Error executing query (HRESULT: 80131509)


Stack Trace:

at Spotfire.Dxp.Services.WebServiceBase`1.InvokeService[T](ServiceMethod`1 serviceMethod, ExceptionFactoryMethod exceptionFactoryMethod)

at Spotfire.Dxp.Data.InformationModel.InternalInformationModelManager.ListDataSourceChildren(Guid dataSourceId, String dataSourceName)

What does error message imply

Has anybody experience with configuring SSL enabled datasource What should the connection URL look like for such SSL enabled source

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