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Loading On-Demand data on a Cached Application

Ram Vellanki

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We have an application that has been updated every 60 minutes though the scheduler services. However, there is a section on the Dashboard that needs to be updated automatically every 5 minutes. At present, the data is refreshed every hourONLY. Please advise on steps to acheive this correctly. Thanks in advance. Please note that the applications are accessed by the users using the Spotfire Web Player.
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  • 4 weeks later...

You cannot use data function or iron python script directly to reload on demand data as they require some event to be triggered.

You can try to use javascript in your dxp which can trigger iron python script at interval of 5 mins and that iron python script can refresh on demand data table through Table.RefreshAsync() method

In a text area, insert an Action Control button, with the script to refresh a data table. In the text area , right click and select Edit HTML and wrap the button created above around a Div element with some ID

Then Insert a JavaScript to trigger a Button click for every 5mins or based on your requirement

function clickButton()


$("#myBtn1 .sf-element").trigger("click");


setInterval(clickButton,30000);Below is an Wiki Article on how to reload data using IronPython scripting


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