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keeping data analysis file while adding new columns

Egbert Vierkant

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I have a dataset (dataset1) in which I made a calculated column. This colums convert a value into three categories: (0, 0.5 and 1). I call the resulting datatable the analysis data table. I made a lot of visualisations based on this analysis file.

Now I want to add a new column to the analysis datatable. I import a csv and call it dataset2. This consists of two columns: col1: (0, 0.5, 1) and col2 ("no", maybe", "yes").

How can I add the columns from dataset2 to the analysis data table (and not vice versa)

I can only do the opposite: adding columns from the analysis data table to dataset2. This results in a new table, but the problem is that all the visualisations I made in the old analysis file.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

Many thanks!

Egbert Jan

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Select Insert > Columns....

If you have more than one data table in the document, select which data table to add columns to.

Add columns to data table: dataset1

click on select> file

Add columns from: dataset2

Follow the same process as you did for adding columns from dataset1 to dataset2

Note: the new table that you created can be used to replace the dataset1. This will give you the same result set. File > Replace Data Table...

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