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Formatting issue related to Currency Types

Jagamohan Sahoo

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Hello Team,

I have a line chart trend which shows "Total Value" & " %Total Value" based on a document property drop down change through script. However while changing over from "Total Value" to " %Total Value", the script is not applying the % symbol with currency type correctly on "Line chart". Can anyone suggest or enhance this what goes wrong (its showing as decimal ex: 0.98 or 0.34 ).

### Description about the property control used and object ###

vizL -> Line chart visualization.

vizC -> Cross table visualization.

dpMeasure -> pointing to the drop down control holds value "Total Value" & " %Total Value"

dpSwitch -> pointing to the drop down control holds value "Line Chart" & "Bar chart" to toggle.

Calender Date Hierarchy -> it is a hierarchy to toggle between Year/Quarter/Month.

dpCalender -> It's a slider control to toggle between Year/Quarter/Month. and been set to X-Axis of line chart.

The field here we are using is a "Currency Type".

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import*

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import*

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import ScaleAxis

from System import Globalization

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Formatters import *

from System.Globalization import CultureInfo

vizL = vizL.As[LineChart]()

vizC= vizC.As[CrossTablePlot]()

if dpMeasure == "Total Value" and dpSwitch == "Line Chart":

vizL.XAxis.Expression = ""

vizL.YAxis.Expression='Sum([Total Value]) As [Total Value]'

formatter = DataType.Real.CreateLocalizedFormatter()

formatter.Category = NumberFormatCategory.Number

formatter.DecimalDigits = 1

formatter.GroupSeparatorEnabled = True

formatter.NegativePattern = NumberFormatNegativePattern.NegativeSign

formatter.ShortFormattingEnabled = False

vizL.YAxis.Scale.Formatting.RealFormatter = formatter

vizL.ShowMarkers = True

vizC.RowAxis.Expression = ""

vizC.MeasureAxis.Expression = "Sum([Total Value]) As [Total Value]"

elif dpMeasure == "%Total Value" and dpSwitch == "Line Chart":

vizL.XAxis.Expression = ""

vizL.YAxis.Expression='Sum([Total Value]) THEN [Value] / Sum([Value]) OVER (All([Axis.Color]))*100 As [%Total Value]'

formatter = DataType.Real.CreateLocalizedFormatter()

formatter.Category = NumberFormatCategory.Percentage

formatter.DecimalDigits = 1

formatter.GroupSeparatorEnabled = True

formatter.NegativePattern = NumberFormatNegativePattern.NegativeSign

formatter.ShortFormattingEnabled = False

vizL.YAxis.Scale.Formatting.RealFormatter = formatter

vizL.ShowMarkers = True

vizC.RowAxis.Expression = ""

vizC.MeasureAxis.Expression = "Sum([Total Value]) THEN [Value] / Sum([Value]) OVER (All([Axis.Color]))*100 As [%Total Value]"

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I haven't tried this but a guess is that if Total Value is of the datatype currency you need to create a DataType.Currency.CreateLocalizedFormatter() and then set it to theYAxis.Scale.Formatting.CurrencyFormatter. I'm guessing the plot accepts your valid real formatter and then just doesn't use it because the expression is currency.
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