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Script to create Data Table from txt file


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I am trying to write a script which creates a data table from one or multiple text files.

Any new file or any changes to text file, the data table should be updated/append the lines.

The text file is very small and has 4 columns and couple of lines of text.

Appreciate any help. Thanks

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You can use the TextFileDataSource to add a datatable using a text file.


A sample script would be something as below,

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import TextFileDataSource, TextDataReaderSettings



readerSettings = TextDataReaderSettings()

readerSettings.Separator = ","

readerSettings.CultureName = "en-GB"



dSource = TextFileDataSource("c:/file.txt",readerSettings)



for table in Document.Data.Tables:

if table.Name == "dataFromText":

tblfound = "true"

if tblfound == "false":


if tblfound == "true":


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Thanks a lot Shandilya.


Using 'TextFileDataSource ' is a great idea and it does work.


My only issue is -


The text file is in following format -






Col3: Val3 


.. and so on.


So I want to be able to fetch Col1 value as column name of my Spotfire data table and use 'Val' as values in the column.


There could be muliple rows in text file with same columns but different values... any idea how can I do this


Thanks for your help.

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