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Data filter in subset

davide moltrasio 2

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Hi, i want to filter my data with the max datetime for each date and foreach value of column a

This is my start table

Column-A Column-B

COD1 14/02/2019 15:10:03

COD1 14/02/2019 15:21:25

COD1 14/02/2019 18:05:20

COD1 15/02/2019 15:10:03

COD1 15/02/2019 15:21:25

COD1 15/02/2019 18:05:20

COD2 14/02/2019 15:10:03

COD2 14/02/2019 15:21:25

COD2 14/02/2019 18:05:20

COD2 15/02/2019 15:10:03

COD2 15/02/2019 15:21:25

COD2 15/02/2019 18:05:20

[...] [...]


This is what I want:

Column-A Column-B

COD1 14/02/2019 18:05:20

COD1 15/02/2019 18:05:20

COD2 14/02/2019 18:05:20

COD2 15/02/2019 18:05:20

[...] [...]

How can I write a custom expression


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I kind of did this the long way, but this should give you a starting point for your data.


First, I created a Date column that is just the Date part of your DateTime column called [singleDate]. Then I used this expression to create a new column in the data set:


case when [Column-B]=Max([Column-B]) OVER ([singledate]) then "Yes" else "No" end


This creates a column of "Yes" and "No" values, then you can just filter out the "No" values.

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