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How to read/access spotfire reports from R/python

Sankar KVS

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Wanted to access/read spotfire reports. Have access to spotfire web version with read only access and not having developer access mode.

Have installed R Studio Desktop, anaconda on my wondows 64-bit version. And also i have CDSW paltform to write code in R/python.

Could you please let me know how to access/read spotfire reports from anaconda or R studio desktop version or CDSW.


Thanks and Regards

Sankar Narayana

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Spotfire reports cannot be directly read into R or Python.


When you say read what do you actually want to do Do you want to edit the reports


You can only edit the reports via the Spotfire Analyst client or using the Edit functionality available on the Web Player (Business Author license).

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I have to copy the entire rows of the report - put them into csv/text/excel  and then saving it to local folder using Registering Data functions option. Could you please help me in this problem.


Thanks and Regards


Sankar Narayana




Thanks and Regards


Sankar Narayana

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