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Spotfire upgrade from 7.0 to 7.14 - major differences for end user

Chris Mitchell

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Our business has been running Spotfire 7.0.1 for years, and I just recently upgraded the server to 7.14. I'm not a user of the software, only the admin. I'm wondering what the big, noticeable changes would be for our users connecting to the server using Analyst 7.14 vs 7.0. I know there's documentation out there describing the changes in each version, but with such a big jump in versions, I'm just wondering what the most noticeable differences would be.


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I would say the most noticeable changes for the users are:


Waterfall visualisation

KPI visualisation

HTTP visualisation

Better ways to deal with data inside Spotfire (Data Transformations)

Change to debug with Chrome developer tools (Tools -> Development -> Developer Tools)


You can find more detailed information here and here.

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