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SOLVED: Error with OVER

Pramod Dibble

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I am trying to calculate a 3-month moving average using the OVER expression, and the LastPeriods method. My value is expressed as follows: (Sum(If([TYPE]=2,[AMOUNT],NULL))/ Sum(If([TYPE]=3,[AMOUNT],NULL))) OVER LastPeriods(3,[Axis.X]))/3 I am getting an error saying that the expression is not valid starting with OVER. The error does not give me any more information beyond that. Any idea what the problem could be
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removing the outer parentheses like this worked:

Sum(If([TYPE]=2,[AMOUNT],NULL)) / Sum(If([TYPE]=3,[AMOUNT],NULL))

OVER (LastPeriods(3,[Axis.X])) / 3

unfortunatelywithout having an example with data, and knowing what the desired result is, it is not possible to know whether the resulting calculation is correct


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