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CustomVisualViews and sharing configuration

Ernesto Araya

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As a quick summary I'm developing a few CustomVisualViews for Spotfire with html+js and C# and a special view that configs the appearance of all the others and I need to save (in the dxp file) and share that common configuration across those views in real time, stuff like font-size, colors, etc. but I feel like I'm going in the wrong direction. I'm quite new to programming Spotfire extensions, if you can point me in the right direction for this that would be great. Ideally I want to use a Dictionary or something alike with a list of key-value pairs.

So far I'm trying to use a class that inherits from CustomNode that have a UndoableDictionary and Triggers to notify and update the views but none of it is working, I don't know how to even initialize something like that.

Please assume that I have a very crude understanding of Spotfire workflow.

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Hi Seraph,

The SDK examples should contain enough info for you to get going on the custom visual view development, but have you considered going the JSViz route


The JSViz plug in can short cut the need to code all the behind-the-scenes event handling on your own, and focus on the visualization.

If you want to dig into more about triggers and event handling, please have a look here:



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