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Spotfire 10.0.93 Hotkey changed or removed

William Lee

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Up to Spotfire 7.14 I was able to use Hotkeys Alt+E / Alt+I combos to open up various commands in spotfire. It seems it no longer works or has changed in Spotfire 10. Is there a way to enable this Also is there a way change the layout / look of Spotfire 10 to revert back to version 7s
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From KB Article 37065:


"New interface for Spotfire does not include keyboard shortcuts to access the menu options or authoring tools.

This is a known limitation and options are being considered for future versions of the program."

From KB Article 37166:


"For Spotfire version 10.0.0 and higher,thePage Navigation Barand the page tabs arenow located at thebottom of the screen. This is a designed new layout, and cannot be changed currently."

Currently there is no separate document that outlines the keyboard shortcuts available to the Spotfire user, these are just described in each section of the Help files.You can search on 'shortcut' to find all of the Help entries that have keyboard shortcuts, but that's the extent of the current documentation.

Here are some keyboard shortcuts that I tested with Spotfire 10.0.

Ctrl+A Mark filtered rows.

Ctrl+B Bookmarks.

Ctrl+C Copy the marked records to the clipboard as text.

Ctrl+D Duplicate active page.

Ctrl+E Unmark Resets the set of marked records. No records will be marked after you have executed this operation.

Ctrl+F Find.

Ctrl+I Inverts the set of marked records. Marks all unmarked records and unmarks the set of marked records.

Ctrl+M Filter to, Sets the selection to the marked records. Creates a temporary filter so that only the marked records are visible.

Ctrl+N New Page.

Ctrl+O Open an existing file or a file to import.

Ctrl+P Print the active visualization.

Ctrl+R Reset all filters.

Ctrl+S Save the present visualization in the same format as when opened.

Ctrl+U Duplicate visualization.

Ctrl+V Paste the clipboard contents into Spotfire.

Ctrl+Y Redo.

Ctrl+Z Undo.

Ctrl+W Close.

Ctrl+Shift+M Filter out.

F1 Help.

Delete Deletes the set of marked records.

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